Cheap Flights for your Trips

* online tickets are searched using the Travelpayouts form. The site does not sell airline tickets. You can buy tickets on the official website of the company - cheap flights

Official website:

Agent Information: – search system cheap flights number 1 in the CIS. This is the most «advanced» russian metasearch engine, and the first that appeared on our market. Developers are constantly improving their service, making it more convenient, more functional and faster.

The system allows you to search for airline tickets among 750 airlines, 35 agencies and 5 systems. It has a powerful results filtering system, allowing you to choose the best solutions for the user. In addition to searching for tickets, the company has its own service for searching and booking hotel rooms.

Air Sales has gained great popularity due not only to its functionality, but also to competent marketing. The system provides webmasters and travel sites with search forms ready for quick implementation.

Contact information:

  • St. Petersburg, st. Savushkina, d. 126 letter A;
  • +7 (812) 309 05 08;
  • advertising department;

Pros and cons of the agency

Advantages Disadvantages
  • Large selection of agencies and airlines;
  • Price Calendar;
  • Convenient filtering and sorting of results;
  • Additional information about baggage;
  • The presence of mobile applications.
  • There are not some large agencies;

Rate the service of a travel agent

Medium: 3 (15 vote)

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We recently flew a large company to the Far East. We loved the trip itself and the fact that we managed to find seven cheap tickets for one flight through Aviasails. Even the seats were next to each other, so we didn't get separated on the way).

Everything is simply designed, the search is right on the main page. I found tickets to Georgia for myself and my husband, and immediately found great options at a price even lower than I expected. There were only two tickets left, but I managed to book them.

Very thoughtful resource, when I was choosing tickets for my vacation, the lowest price options were only with connections. Aviasails immediately gave me all the information about how long I would have to wait, in what conditions, and most importantly, whether I would be allowed into the country without a visa, even if it was only for 5 hours. And I didn't have to write to tech support to clarify all these details. For tourists and vacationers, this is simply invaluable.

I flew to neighboring countries twice this year (Georgia, Kazakhstan). It was the first time I had ever used airplanes at all, so I had never booked tickets for them. A friend who flies much more often advised me to go to Aviasails. I just signed up for a price, I received a notification a few weeks later and got tickets at the best possible price.

And the service is great, and their tech support is excellent! I've contacted them several times, although there was chatting, but they answered my questions very quickly and to the point. And, of course, I have never seen lower prices for tickets than on Aviasails.

I flew to Armenia at the beginning of December. I had only a week for vacation and a very modest budget. Thanks in part to Aviasails, I not only met it, but also managed to save money. I managed to catch the last ticket at a very favorable price for me through a value subscription.

Hi Oksana, thank you for your positive feedback ♥✈

Hi Anna, thanks for your story, we send our regards to your mom and wish her more enjoyable travels ♥

Tell me how to buy tickets for a dance group on your website (13 children, 9 adults), and the departure time does not coincide with the schedule of some flights

Good evening! I bought a ticket for an employee, but I was mistaken with a middle name, tell me, is this critical, if so, how can I change the data in an electronic ticket?

Helps out quite often, saves a lot of time when searching for tickets. The calendar is sometimes upsetting - it seems to show the lowest cost, you go by date, and there is a message like of sorry, but the price has already changed, and always upwards.

>>There are already much more interesting and more technologically advanced search engines.

Can I have examples? And then, as the last sucker, I have been using Aviasal for many years now ))